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Minnesota uses a state specific Productivity Index for their soils. This data is available from the Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey.


In the Jan. 2014 soil data release, inconsistencies were found in some of the data. The values were using a formula created form North Dakota soils. "While this formula would work independently within each state, when being used across borders, the data becomes inaccurate."(Beck)

With the October 2014 soil data update, the incorrect values have been resolved. John Beck states that "these values are only "relative guides" for comparison of one soil against others in the state. CPI  (Crop Productivity Index) values are not intended to apply across state lines. " 


Beck, John - MN NRCS State Soil Scientist. "Minnesota Soil Database Inconsistencies ." Message to AgriData, Inc.. 10 Oct 2014. E-mail. 

See Also:

  Name Size
- MN Soil Map.jpg 154.43 KB

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