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AgNav Import

Modified on 2023/08/31 14:44 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
Surety® and Surety® Pro can import Ag-Nav spray log information for display on the mapping interface and on the spray sheets.

Before bringing your AgNav spray files into Surety or Surety Pro, they must be converted into a shapefile using the conversion tools included in the AgNav NavView software version 10.22 *Note: we have found that newer versions have removed an option within the Export output that Surety needs in order to successfully display the files.

IMPORTANT! Download the correct version of NavView from the AgNav website: NavViewW v10.22 Download Link

Required AgNav files

The files needed from the AgNav controller are as follows:

*.no1 file and a folder with the same name of the .no1 file. This folder should contain 1 or more files.


The needed files within the folder typically start with "n" or "q" and have a ".t" extension. This folder should not contain any other files at this point.


Convert AgNav log spray log files (*.NO1) into shapefiles to use within Surety and Surety Pro

Once NavView is downloaded and installed to your computer, start the program and then click the Open button and locate the Agnav *.no1 files.

Note:Selecting and opening all of them at once will create one log file.
Select and open them individually if you want them to be uploaded into Surety as separate log records.


Select Settings in the left panel and make sure Spray + FlPth (Flight Path) is enabled.


Click the Menu button and go to Convert Spray Data > AgNav to SHP > Lat/Long


IMPORTANT: DO NOT rename the file when saving. Note that the location of the saved files will be in the same location as the original imported file.


Select Shape Type:
Shape Type for Spray On/Off: Coverage/Point
Save Spray On/Off: Separate


Create a Zip (Compressed) file of the exported files

AgNav (a*.zip files) need to be zipped with the *SprOn & *SprOff shape files and the .t* text files. The converter also creates a *Polygon shape file but those files will be ignored during the loading process.

Highlight all of the exported files in your file explorer > right click on one and go to Send to > Compressed (Zipped) File


Enter a name and click enter to confirm


Now we are ready to import the zip file into Surety Pro.

Import the log files into Surety/Surety Pro

From the mapping interface go to File>Import>As-Applied Logs>AgNav Log


Browse for the Zip file that was just created

Check the Select and Zoom to uploaded log option in order to quickly find the information on the map once it is uploaded.


Once uploaded, the log will become available within the Log Layers section of the Layers panel and function like any other log file within Surety and Surety Pro.


Use an Aerial or Aerial with GPA form to view the log information such as start and end times as well as actual sprayed acres.


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