® Pro account administrators are able to setup a hail notification email that will automatically send out a report with selected information based on a set of form boundaries saved in Surety
® Pro.
You can access the Hail Notification Setup by hovering over
Admin and clicking on
Hail Notifications
Hail Notification Settings
The Initial page of the Hail settings will appear. If you click on the Instructions link it will expand to explain the current step's requirements.
If this is your first time activating the Hail Notifications, then you must click on "Company Wide Settings" first to configure the global settings applied to all locations setup in your company account. If a particular location would like specific settings not shared by the rest of the company or no notifications setup at all, then we can go in and set individual location settings after the Company wide settings are complete.
Click Here to Jump to the Location settings if you have already configured the company settings previously.
Otherwise, Click
Edit Company Wide Settings
Clicking on the Company Wide Settings will bring you first to the email management options.
Activate Notifications. Uncheck this if you want to configure the email notifications but not have them sent out until a later date in which you would then come back to this page and place a check here again.
From Email - By default the from email address is
CC Email If you want to add an email address that you want to receive a copy of all of the sent notification emails Click "Add CC Email".
A popup will appear where you are able to type in the address you would like cc'd. You can add multiple cc emails this way. Each address will appear the the right showing who currently has been added the the CC list.Click Save when done.
You can remove a CC email address by clicking on the trash can icon next to it. Once you have added the desired amount of email addresses, click next.
Severity Tolerance
On this step the Severity Tolerance is set. This determines the minimum likelihood of hail occurrence that has to happen before the emails are sent. Select the severity to use. If you would like a further description of the severities click on the Legend button.
When done, click next.
Layer Attributes
This step determines what borders to look at when checking for hail probability as well as what information is included with the email that is sent. First choose what layer borders to check.
Here are a couple possible setups.
- If you have a Chemical Application form records (or some other type of form) saved to all of your client's field boundaries, you could then choose Chemical from the drop-down. After that is selected then all of the entry fields in that form are listed. At this point, place a check next to the "Attribute Name" column that should appear in the body of the email.
- The second option (recommended) is to import your boundary data into a new or existing custom layer. (See: Import Custom Layer for details on the data import and layer creation process.) Once the custom layer has been created, select it (in this case we called it "Hail Test Form") from the drop-down to have it populate the available attributes.
Check the desired attribute(s) to display on the email.
The attributes can be reorders simply by left clicking and dragging the layer up or down. Top to bottom here will read left to right on the email.
It also is handy to rename the Attribute column so there is no confusion if the current Attribute name doesn't clearly describe the data.
For Example: I changed "Location" so it would say "Section" on the email instead.
Note: Account Number and Client name are automatically added to the attribute list and their column names changed by the Surety systemOnce all of your attributes and Column Headings are the way you want, click the Preview Sample Email button to see an example of what would be sent.
This is a preview of what a email with the current attributes and severity settings would look like. As you can see, the attributes that were chosen and renamed appear as columns of data.
If satisfied, exit out of the preview and click next to proceed or click back to change any setting.
Clients and Users¶
On this final setup page for the Company settings you can choose who to include in the Hail notifications recipient list.
All Users: If a probability arises on a border associated with a client, the Surety Pro users with access to that client will be emailed. Specific Users can be configured to receive notifications in the Location Hail Settings.
Note: If All Users is not selected, then any new user that is added or configured will need to be manually setup by coming back to the Location's Hail settings page.
All Clients: When a probability is reported close to or directly over a saved layer border that was selected, then an email will be sent out to the client that the field is saved under. By selecting all clients, any new clients that are added will automatically be sent notifications if/when there are ones for their fields. If this is not selected, then no client will be emailed unless specifically setup in their location setup steps.
Note: The client must have an email configured in it's client information page in order to recieve an email. (See:
How to add, edit, or delete clients in Surety® Pro.)
- Sharing Accounts: If selected, if a shared form border has a hail probability, then the shared account email address will be notified.
All Locations: If all locations are selected then the location email address will be included in the email chain when a notification is sent out.
Once you have set what locations, users, and clients to check against for hail probability, Click
Save Global Settings. The settings will save and now at this point you can setup individual locations with different settings.
If you require individual locations to be setup separately then click
Edit Locations otherwise click
Specific Location Setup
The first step is to choose the location that you are wanting to configure. The settings that you choose in the following steps will take precedence (for this selected location only) over the Company Settings that you have previously set.
Refer to the Company settings for instruction on setting the From and CC emails, Hail severity, and Layer and Attributes settings because they are Identical to what you have previously been through.
Clients and Users¶
This page will include the individual users as well as all of the client under that location. Here you can pick and choose who the emails will go to.
If you have one or more than one user assigned to this location then they will appear under All Users.
It is also possible to pick and choose the users that you want to be notified when a Hail probability is sent out. When picking and choosing, keep in mind that any new additional users will not be automatically checked and you will have to come back in and manually add that user.
If selected, All Clients will enable every client in your list to be capable of receiving a hail notification if that probability lies within a border or form (determined by previous step) that was saved while that specific client was selected. If you want the clients to be emailed, make sure that there is an email address attached to the client profile. (See
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Clients in Surety® Pro)
Selecting the All location will make sure that if ever the location email ever changes that it will automatically be emailed any Hail Probability reports. Otherwise you can still click on the address manually if you don't want any new location email address to be emailed automatically.
Now your Hail Email Notifications are setup and if there is a probability of hail overlapping the specified form then a notification email will be sent according to the settings that were just sent.
Then click
Save Location Settings
It will then ask you if you want to go to the location settings.
If you want to setup the Hail notification system differently for each Location, then you could click on Edit Location. If you are satisfied with one this one location setting, click done.
See Also: