Forms Designer - Modify Existing Form
Modified on 2013/12/18 17:37 by Chad — Categorized as: Uncategorized
Within the Forms Designer, you are able to make changes to any of the existing forms, reports, or maps and save them as a copy of the original to use in your company or location's account.
->This includes the FSA Map, Topography Map, Hail History Map, Soils Map, as well as all of the custom application forms, Invoice, and Sales Data Form
Modify an Existing Form
While in the Forms Designer, Hover over
Open Form
Left click on the form that you want to modify and save.
It will open the existing form (in this case the chemical form) to be able to modify
You will notice that there is no Release box or Publish button on the top of the form since this form is locked and cannot be saved over.
Make whatever changes to the form that you desire and hover over file again and click
Save As
Name your form something unique select if you would like only a specific location to have access the the form or the entire company and click
If you need to make anymore changes you can, otherwise you would need to check the release box at the top of the page to release it into your Surety Pro account.
Now in order to see the Form show up in the list, return to your Surety Mapping and click the F5 key on your keyboard or the Refresh button on your browser to reload the page
Click the refresh button on the browser or F5 on your keyboard.
This will make the form appear in the list.
If any further changes need to be made to the form, simply access that form again in the Forms Designer, make changes and go to File> Save.
THEN click on the
button to release the new changes.
See Also:
Forms Designer Support
Forms Designer - Open Form