Forms Designer - Compass Tool
Modified on 2013/07/26 15:48 by Chad — Categorized as: Uncategorized
The compass is placed with the map in order to show the orientation of the map.
See Also:
Forms Designer - Map Tool
Left click on Compass
Left click on the map in order to place the compass.
Note: only one compass can be placed on the Custom Form.
You can edit the size of the Compass by changing the height or width value in the Properties panel.
Note: The height and width of the Compass will scale proportionately so you only need to change one of the values.
You are able to move the map in a couple different ways.
1.Click on the select tool on the left hand panel.
Now left click hold and drag the Compass around the design panel and release the left click to drop it where you want it.
2. Click the select tool in the left hand panel again.
Left click the map so that it is highlighted yellow.
Change the "left" and "top" values in the Properties panel.
To move the Compass down, increase the top value.
To move the Compass up, decrease the top value.
To move the Compass right, increase the left value.
To move the Compass left, decrease the left value.
See Also:
Getting Started With the Forms Designer