Forms Designer - Barcode

Modified on 2014/04/30 16:27 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Place a barcode on your form that is able to be read by a barcode scanner. 

Locate Barcode in the left panel and click to activate it. 


Place it on the canvas (form layout) by left clicking on the canvas. 


Locate the Text property in the right panel


Type in an alpha-numeric code to be converted into a scan-able format. 


Barcode Will not Fit error

Change the width and height properties if a Barcode Will not Fit message appears while you are typing in a code. 

The size of the box must be big enough to accommodate the Code.

Note:Ater you adjust the size the image on the canvas needs to be refreshed to appear correctly. To do this, type a space behind the code in the Text property that was entered then immediately delete it.


See Also: