Create a Simple Custom Layer in Surety Pro

Modified on 2024/04/17 20:36 by Adam — Categorized as: Surety Pro Features

A custom polygon, point, or line layer can be used to store and display information on the map. These layers are created using the Forms Designer tool available to Surety Pro administrator accounts.

Some examples of existing custom layers:

Create a new custom layer using existing layer templates

One easy way to create a simple custom layer is to copy an existing layer template and customize it to fit your needs within the Forms Designer.

First access the Forms Designer by going to Admin > Forms Designer from the drop down menu


Then File > Open a template that you would like to base your custom layer off of. Note: take a look at the example list at the start of this page for some ideas.

Let's use the Alternate Boundary form as an example for this tutorial. It is a polygon layer with a number of attributes already setup to use.


Once opened, add/remove/edit any of the attributes within the template.

Note: this form is set as a hidden form by default. If you want to have the form added to your form list immediately go to File > Form Properties and turn off the Default to Hidden setting.


Once your changes have been made, go to File > Save As and name it a new name. Make sure it is set to the company level to make it available within all client accounts.


Then click Release to add it into your Form list.


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