Forms Designer - Hyperlink Tool

Modified on 2023/08/30 22:20 by Adam — Categorized as: Features, Forms Designer

Add a hyperlink to any form or map using the Hyperlink tool within Surety Pro's Form Designer (Admin > Forms Designer) available to Surety Pro Administrators.

Once the map/form you would like to add the Hyperlink to is opened within the Form Designer, find and click the Hyperlink Control tool in the left tool group. Then click on an open area on the canvas to place the initial stand-in text.


The control properties will need to be modified to set the webpage that opens as well as what the text the hyperlink displays as.
Control the font size and color using the appropriate properties.


Type the webpage address that is desired to be opened into the text area.


If directing to a regular website, it can be typed into the textbox directly. Example:

Variables can also be used when constructing the hyperlink but will need to be proceeded by the equals sign "=", must contain literal text in quotes and separate the variables with plus signs "+".
="" + @selectCenterDecimalLat + "," + @selectCenterDecimalLon


Test the hyperlink by Saving and Publishing the map/form, generating the map/form and then clicking on the hyperlink.

See Also: